#RainbowSnippets – 1-13-18

Hard to believe we’re almost halfway through January 0.0 Where is the time going? Okay, well most of this month was spent sick with the cold/flu which sucked. I dragged butt at the day job and it makes me even more determined to “make it” writing full-time (even if I have to work part-time at the day job–though eventually, my goal is complete self-employment, booyah!) Lord knows I have plenty of ideas. Ideas for DAYS.

I started a “for fun” project that came to me last week, a slightly dark-ish MM paranormal romance between a vampire and his werewolf slave-turned-fated mate. Still in the “honeymoon” phase for this one, but it’s a good break from the dredges of my almost-done Three Dog Night, which I have 16 scenes left on. THE END IS NIGH.

However, today it’s time for my contribution to #RainbowSnippets. In case you didn’t know, #RainbowSnippets is a Facebook group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation.

We’re jumping back into Little Infinities, which I will be jumping into edits here soon for a still-hopeful February release 🙂


He made a face. “…You should never trust lettuce. You never know when that shit will turn around and chomp off an arm.” He flicked his fingers over a dark green arugula leaf and wrinkled his nose.

“Not a vegetable fan. Got it.” I stabbed my fork into the salad, crunching it loudly on purpose, and I cracked up when he kicked me beneath the table. I flashed him an evil grin, then stuffed my mouth full of salad and made a show of it, groaning softly with pleasure. “You don’t know what you’re missing, Apollo.”

He rolled his eyes. “You enjoy it for both of us, then.”

He did, however, indulge in the fruity raspberry wine that Penny brought to the table.

“I guess fruit’s not on your shit list then, I take it?” I teased him.

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