#RainbowSnippets – 11/25/17

Welcome back for another round of #RainbowSnippets!

In case you didn’t know, #RainbowSnippets is a Facebook group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation.

One last little tease for Second Chances, since I hope to have it edited, formatted and published before next weekend (cross your fingers!) 😀


Nikolas nipped his collarbone, teeth scoring into sensitive skin. “Patience, baby,” he tutted and then his warmth was seeping away as he backed away and Ky wanted to howl. He leaned against the wall, breathing hard, but he didn’t look away from Nikolas.

The other man winked and stripped from the Santa Claus coat, folding it over the back of the chair. He kicked the oversized gold-buckle boots off and shimmied out of the crushed velvet slacks. “These cost a fortune to dry clean,” he said, but Ky’s gaze was locked on the bulge hidden away in Nikolas’s candy cane boxers.


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