#RainbowSnippets – 12-23-17

Happy holidays, everyone and welcome back for another round of #RainbowSnippets!

In case you didn’t know, #RainbowSnippets is a Facebook group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation.

This week will be an excerpt from Three Dog Night–the book that’s given me utter HELL. I started it last January, and I’m determined to finish it THIS January. Not sure why it’s fought me so much, but it definitely has, lol! Enjoy and have a wonderful holiday season, whatever you celebrate ❤

“Look. Either you move in, or I’m gonna have to take it upon myself to drive out to fucking Bluewater and pick you up every morning at the ass-crack of dawn. Don’t make me do that. It’ll be easier this way. Okay? It’s cool. We’re cool. It’s done. End of discussion.” He felt the sudden urge to stomp a foot to prove his point.

Hemi let out a shaky breath, then seemed to buck up. “Okay. Thank you. I’ll pay you back the minute I can afford—”

Kit raised a hand, jabbing a finger in the younger man’s general direction. “Can you cook?”

“Uh… Yes?” He looked puzzled.

“Good, then you’re hired cuz I can’t. I’ve been living off microwave dinners and Kraft mac and cheese for years. I would just about kill for something that’s not loaded with sodium. I’ll buy the groceries if you cook something better than tomato soup and peanut butter sandwiches. Deal?”

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