#RainbowSnippets – 11/11/17

Climbing back on the horse for this weekend’s #RainbowSnippets with six sentences from the first chapter of the novel I just finished last month, which is titled Little Infinities.

It’s a MM contemporary romance that was supposed to be a stand-alone, but it turned into the beginning of a series of stand-alones. I fell so head over heels for Sebastian and Apollo that I flew through writing it — 73k in 39 days! Planning to release this book early 2018 and I’m super stoked.

Hope you enjoy 😉


What I needed was to get so completed shattered that I couldn’t think straight. I needed to get so shit-faced that I didn’t continue to dwell on the harsh reality that had impaled me like a blade early this morning. It was late and I was buzzed, but what did it matter? I could grab my bike and hit an all-night liquor store, buy whiskey by the gallon, and retreat back to this ratty no-tell motel room and just…


That sounded good right about now.

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